Monday, July 4, 2016

Giving Back

Life can be easily put into perspective when you are constantly facing death. I was born with a heart condition called pulmonary atresia. In this condition, the pulmonary valve does not form correctly. In my case, my valve was closed. Multiple surgeries later, I was stuck with a flap of skin for a valve that did not allow the blood to flow correctly. 
As the years went on, the right side of my heart began to swell. At age 15, I became very exhausted with an average of 15 hours of sleep a day and could not function at all. 
I finally was taken to the emergency room where I stayed there for a week until they ruled that I needed to have open heart surgery.
Believe me when I say, waking up from open heart surgery feels as if you've been hit by a truck, then ran over, then backed up on. It is not a pleasant experience. And although this was my second one, I did not have many memories from the first one at two years of age.
After your body stabilizes and you are coherent enough, the doctors usually want you to try and get up and move around. I have to admit that I am very stubborn and like to prove to people that despite my disabilities, I can do whatever I put my mind to. I walked around the whole ICU and then my nurse helped me take a shower. Trust me when I say, there is nothing like taking a shower after any kind of surgery. 
This kind, angel of a nurse was so gentle and nice, and even brushed my hair out after my shower. I will never forget the kindness I received (even though it is in patches from all the medication). 

This is why I want to get into the healthcare field. To return the kindness that has been shown to me throughout all of my hospital visits, and to help others. I know first-hand the pain and suffering that many patients go through, and I want to be able to show that there are many individuals with compassion and understanding. When you are a sick patient, a simple smile can truly change your day. 


  1. You have a SERIOUSLY good attitude!

    1. Thank you! :) It's best to fight illness with positivity.
